The Valley of Zermatt and the Matterhorn (1899)
Whymper Edward
Première édition: 1899
Réedition: 2002
Editeur: Editions à la Carte
Nombre de pages: 224
ISBN: 978-2-88464-472-3
Reprod. de l'éd. de: London : J. Murray ; Geneva : Georg, 1899
"This little guide to Zermatt is written upon the same lines as the guide to Chamonix which was published by Mr. Murray in 1896.
It trests more or less of what can be called the Zermatt disctrict, embracing the Cream of the Alps; but it is not easy to define the limits of the district, which includes the Saas Thal as well as the Nicolai Thal, and extends right and left into Switzerland, ans southwards into Italy."
Edition originale de 1899 reproduite et mise en valeur.
"This little guide to Zermatt is written upon the same lines as the guide to Chamonix which was published by Mr. Murray in 1896.
It trests more or less of what can be called the Zermatt disctrict, embracing the Cream of the Alps; but it is not easy to define the limits of the district, which includes the Saas Thal as well as the Nicolai Thal, and extends right and left into Switzerland, ans southwards into Italy."
Edition originale de 1899 reproduite et mise en valeur.